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Lead Ore Concentrate Processing

Lead Ore Concentrate Processing

Navrees Consultants is a key provider of consultancy services in the field of lead processing, and lead ore concentrate. We design customer centric policies which are ethical and beneficial for both to our customers as well as ourselves. We cater to the requirements of our customers right from procuring of raw materials, setting up the unit for lead processing to the concluding steps of delivering the last product.

What is ore and the process of ore concentration

Lead is one of the seven Metals known from very ancient times. Anearly acquaintance of with Lead was favoured by the ease of reduction of the metal from lead ores, it’s low melting point and ductility, which facilitated it’s working. Our earliest knowledge of smelting is speculative. Lead is a versatile metal with wide range of application.

Ore is a solid object which contains minerals or a combination of minerals from which metal can be recovered using procedures such as ore concentration, isolation and metal refining. d. There are some impurities or undesirable minerals present in the ore which need to be separated. Gangue refers to the undesired impurities found in ore such as sand, rocky debris and so on. For metal extraction from the ore the removal of unwanted impurities is must.

The physical or chemical properties of the gangue and the ores determine the method employed to extract minerals from the ore. Ore concentration can be achieved by some methods such as hydraulic washing, magnetic separation, froth floatation and leaching. Lead concentrate is used for producing lead metal.


Methods of concentration of lead ore can be explained in below steps

  • Hydraulic washing : Here , gravity separation method is used, wherein the rough ore gets passed on via an upward stream of water. In this way, the lighter gangue particles are separated from the heavier particles. Commonly, this process is used for concentration of tin and lead oxide ores.
  • Leaching : Here, the ore is treated with chemicals to convert the valuable metals into soluble salts whereas the impurity remains insoluble. Leaching can be carried out by two methods namely – simple leaching at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. Pressure leaching in which pressure and temperature are increased to accelerate the operation.
  • Magnetic separation : In a magnetic separation, the ore is finely processed before being conveyed on a conveyor belt that is passed over a magnetic roller. In this activity, the ore stays on the belt, whereas the gangue or the undesirable material gets sliced off. A magnetic separator is made out of two rollers and a leather belt. One of the rollers has a magnet embedded in it.
  • Froath floatation : The main aim of this process is to extract the gangue from the ores. To create a suspension, the ore is pulverized and mixed with water. Collectors like pine oils and fatty acids are added to form a froth. Froth gets created by constant blending of the suspension with paddles and air.

Different types of Lead Ore/Concentrates are

  • Galena – Lead Sulphide ( PbS)
  • Cerussite – Lead Carbonate (PbCO3)
  • Minium -- Lead Oxide (PbO)
  • Anglesite - Lead Sulphate (PbSO4)
Lead Ore Concentrate